In the framework of the XIV Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, will be hold on 20th November, the XII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum. This year the Forum Session is «Women Entrepreneurs; Impact of the Pandemic on Mediterranean Businesses.
This edition will take place through an Virtual Meeting cause the pandemic, Covid-19, and the imposibility of travel from our speakers. The most representative businesswomen and women entrepreneurs coming from more than thirty Mediterranean countries will participate in our Forum.
As new business models emerge and cash positions remain cautious, companies will look to technology capabilities and functionalities that directly impact business objectives. The XII Meda Women Entrepreneurs Forum, will focus on some of these social and technological changes to all companies and organizations led by women. The topics will be based on:
Current situation of businesswomen in the Mediterranean
Digitalization as a new way of working tool
For more information please download the Agenda and register at the following link!